Parthiben is an Indian actor, whose debut Malayalam movie was 'Narendran Makan Jayakanthan Vaka'. His role 'Devasahayam' was well noticed by the movie lovers. But his highly acclaimed performance was in the movie 'Melvilasom'. Another Malayalam movie of Parthiben is 'Escape From Uganda'.
Innocent Vareed Thekkethala (1948-2023) , a veteran Malayalam actor, the scrupulous politician and the former MP of Loksabha as well. In his career extending more than five decades, he performed in more than 750 films and is concerned one of the iconic comedian in Malayala cinema as well as few Tamil, Kannada, Hindi and English films.
National Award-winning actor Nedumudi Venu died at the age of 73 at a private hospital in Thiruvananthapuram on Monday. He had been in a critical condition for some time due to liver-related ailments.